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Design Plans, Ideas & Consultation, Coaching, Styling & Installation

SRD is experienced in all aspects of landscape design including hardscape for walkways, planters, seating & dining areas etc, gardens and planting areas, water features, kitchen areas, pergolas, fencing, walls, fire pits & fire places, pools and spas, terracing, special/custom features, artistic installations and more.


Would you like a lush green Zen space with a calming water feature, for practicing meditation or yoga?…Or maybe you’d enjoy getting lost in your own secret garden, or magical mini-forest complete with babbling brook?…Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to express yourself through painting or writing in your own personal studio in a cottage setting?...Or prepare healthy and delicious meals in an outdoor kitchen using edibles grown in your own organic garden?...Or maybe you’ve imagined having a cozy little boho nook for reading, doing energy work, or chanting?...Or maybe a natural garden area to welcome and observe wildlife?


Whatever you wish for, whether it's a realistic environment or a whimsical space, we’d love to be of assistance in making it a reality for you. Sacred Roots Design is passionate about creating unique, enchanting, and magical outdoor spaces to nourish your heart and soul.  Please email, text, or call us today for more information about our services, including pricing information.  We'll be happy answer any questions that you may have.




Design & Consultation

 Installation & Maintenance

Plant, Sow & Harvest

It seems like everyone is interested in eating healthier these days and using organic produce as much as possible, and with this in mind, growing your own vegetables in your home garden seems like a logical next step.  However not everyone on this path has the time or knows where to start when it comes to incorporating a vegetable garden into their outside space....and that’s where we come in!  We’d love to help you create the perfect edible garden for your needs and space.

In creating your edible garden for you, we would discuss what type of vegetables you’d like to grow, local wildlife, pets and children, budget, accessibility, and the style of garden that you envision.  It can be large or small, simple or elegant, in-ground, in boxes, or vertical, and there are many more options to consider as well.  We’re here to help you figure out what would work best for you and your family and then design something that is a perfect fit.



Design Plans, Ideas & Consultation, Coaching, Styling & Installation

Having access to a space where you can unwind and ground yourself is more valuable now than ever before.  Having this space in your own backyard is priceless! 

We'd love to create a chill space for you, tailored to your own unique needs and wishes....whether it's for meditating, yoga, healing, reading, chanting, or anything else that puts you in the zone, we'll bring the Zen to YOU!  And the best part is that you don't really need a lot of space to accomplish this, so it's obtainable for just about anybody!   

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We Are Now Working With Visionary Builder Artist Mark!

We're excited!  Starting in year 2020 Sacred Roots Design will begin working with our visionary builder/carpenter friend Mark to bring you one of kind artistic elements and tree houses for your backyard enjoyment OR to serve as home on your special property!  No vision too grand!  â€‹


In his own words, "Born in California Mark has been an artisan carpenter and creator his entire life.  In recent years Mark has turned his attention to building tree houses for all generations, young and old alike.  He works around the world creating magical and natural places for living and appreciating life!"​


SRD loves Mark!  He shares our creative and magical vision and the desire to bring beauty and good vibes to our client's environments.  We're ready to team up together and create something very special for you!  Tap the button below and let us know about your magical dream project and we'll get in touch with you to discuss the possibilities.  We're looking forward to hearing from you!

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Special Considerations

For Pets & Wildlife

We know your furry ones are part of your family and with that in mind we’re here to assist you in creating outdoor space tailored to the needs and habits of your animal companions while also creating a beautiful and functional outdoor space for you and your human family and friends to enjoy.


Whether you seek a “catio”, or a dog run or obstacle course (or a special space for any other type of animal friend), or a new landscape for the whole family to enjoy including your animal companions, our Twigs & Tails service will assist you in meeting your goals. 


We're also skilled in creating habitat gardens and/or feeding stations to welcome and entice birds, butterflies, and other desired wildlife to your outdoor space.


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